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  April 23, 2018
For every 3 victims of domestic abuse 2 will be women and 1 will be a man. Domestic abuse effects both genders. It also effects people from every kind of background and culture. Statistics show that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men will suffer domestic abuse during their lifetime. Given these statistics, there is every chance that a friend or relative of your own could be suffering from domestic abuse.
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  February 22, 2018
New sentencing guidelines, which are to come into force in May, represent a significant change in the way Courts deal with domestic abuse cases. For the first time, guidance will state that domestic abuse in the home environment should be treated more seriously than those crimes committed by strangers. Additionally, the guidance will include recognition of differing types of domestic abuse, such as threats on social media.
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  January 16, 2018
Recent figures published by the Department for Education for 2016/2017 show that there were 646,120 referrals to children’s services during this period. These figures amount to 1,770 referrals every single day. This a rise of 4% on the previous year.
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  January 10, 2018
Clare’s Law was introduced in 2014 following the horrific murder of Clare Wood. Clare’s Law allows people to request information from the police regarding whether or not there is any record of previous domestic violence. There are two types of information disclosures available from Clare’s Law. A “right to ask” where a person asks for information about a person or a “right to know” where a police force can provide the information without being asked to do so in order to warn potential victims.
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  December 18, 2017
​Christmas, it’s the most wonderful time of the year - for most. Sadly, for some it’s the most feared time of the year. Why? Christmas is the time of year where most people have the luxury of spending extended time with their partners and loved ones. If you are a victim of domestic abuse this is not something to look forward to.
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  November 24, 2017
The Office for National Statistics’ (ONS) annual report has found, shockingly, that more than 10 per cent of young women aged between 16-19 have experienced domestic abuse in the past year. They were also identified to be the age group most likely to become a victims of domestic abuse.
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  September 26, 2017
A report, written by inspectors from Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission and other agencies has found that child victims of domestic abuse are being ignored because some police officers view it as a “lifestyle choice.”
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  August 17, 2017
If you are being forced to change your behavior because you are frightened of your partner then you may be a victim of domestic abuse.
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