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Bi-annually we collect, report and publish data on the diversity of our workforce.

Key Ramsdens' statistics*

What is your gender?

Male - 18.5%

Female - 81.5%

Prefer not to say - 0%

What is your age category?

16-24 - 16.9%

25-34 - 18.5%

35-44 - 21.8%

45-54 - 21.8%

55-64 - 20.1%

65+ - 0.9%

What is your ethnic group?

White – Any other white background 0.8%

White – British/English/Welsh/Northern Irish/Scottish 98.4%

White – Irish 0.8%

Prefer not to say - 0%

Do you consider yourself to have a disability according to the definition in the Equality Act 2010?

Yes - 1.6%

No - 98.4%

Prefer not to say - 0%

What is your religion or belief?

Any other religion or belief - 1.6%

Christian - 48.4%

Jewish - 0.8%

No religion or belief - 48.4%

Prefer not to say - 0.8%

*Data sourced June 2023