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  June 7, 2018
This week is Child Safety Week run by Child Accident Prevention Trust to raise awareness of the risks of child accidents and how they can be prevented. On day 4 our thoughts turn to other areas where children can be placed at risk.
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  June 6, 2018
This week we continue to support Child Safety Week run by Child Accident Prevention Trust to raise awareness of the risks of child accidents and how they can be prevented. Accidents involving children can easily happen inside or outside of the home. There are risks in everything we do but most parents and guardians hope to find the right balance in order to allow children to grow and explore their surroundings. Many accidents are preventable but unfortunately still happen as a result of the negligence of others.
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  June 5, 2018
It’s Volunteers’ Week on the 1-7 June 2018 and we’d like to take the opportunity to say thank all our staff for their fantastic contribution they make helping local charities in our communities, from those of you who are trustees and campaigners to carers and fundraisers……thank you!
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  June 5, 2018
Helen Thewlis, Head of Family Law at Ramsdens​, uses her charity day to support the Huddersfield Town Foundation Breakfast club, along with her colleague Jaynie Broughton. Find out more about what they get up to here.
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  June 5, 2018
Domestic abuse is a widespread issue across the UK. It is well reported that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men will experience domestic abuse throughout their life time. The UK’s leading children’s charity, Barnardo’s, has responded to the recent consultation on the Domestic Abuse and Violence Bill. Barnardo’s say that children affected by domestic violence and abuse need specialist services to help them deal with trauma and have the chance to lead healthy and happy lives.
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  June 4, 2018
Child Action Prevention Trust are raising awareness of injuries being suffered by children and offer guidance on working together as a community to prevent injury to children, who are of course very vulnerable in society. Children are often unable to recognise dangerous situations in the same way adults are. For example, whilst children are playing it is often the case unfortunately that they step into the road in front of a passing vehicle, or can suffer injuries whilst playing on various apparatus within a play area. In addition, it is becoming easier for children to be targeted by potential abusers. The normality of social media means that children are interacting with strangers on a daily basis who could be posing as children to gain their trust with the intention of abusing the child.
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  June 1, 2018
​Forced Marriage Protection Orders can be obtained in the Family Courts to give the necessary protection by way of a Court Order. Forced Marriage is also being recognised in the criminal Courts and the second conviction of its kind within a week has taken place. The conviction was of a Leeds based couple.
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