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  June 13, 2019
DIY wills are not a new phenomenon and have been around for some time. An attractive option to many allowing a saving of a few hundred pounds. But what position can this leave your family in?
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  April 22, 2019
When a person dies, sometimes relatives or other interested third parties may be surprised or disappointed at the contents of the deceased’s will and in particular who is due to inherit under it.
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  January 22, 2017
Recent statistics published by the Ministry of Justice record that the number of contentious probate proceedings has almost doubled between 2006 and 2011.
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  January 22, 2017
In the current litigation landscape, one particular area which stands out as being the instigator of claims, often regardless of merit, arise out of Estates of Deceased, the provision they have made in Wills or the lack of it and claims reliant on the provisions of the 1975 Inheritance Act and the subsequent amendments.
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  January 5, 2016
Recent reports suggest that there has been a rise in the number of people who are contesting Wills, especially where substantial sums are being left to charity.
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