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  December 4, 2018
Due to the increasing demand for short-term lettings of private apartments and homes, more property owners are now turning to sites like Airbnb to rent out their properties in return for some extra cash. Property owners should be cautious before renting out properties on such sites as this type of short-term letting may put you in breach of covenants which restrict the use of your premises.
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  December 3, 2018
There are many myths surrounding Domestic Abuse and its causes. Here are just a few that have been highlighted by our Family team in support of the #16DaysofAction campaign.
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  November 30, 2018
Family lawyers are campaigning for a change in the law to reduce the fallout from divorce upon children, after figures released recently revealed the impact of conflict between separating parents. In a new poll, 79% of the population agreed conflict from divorce or separation can affect negatively children’s mental health, a figure rising to 87% among those who experienced their parents’ divorce as children. 77% said conflict could affect children’s academic performance and a further two-thirds felt social interactions and the ability to form healthy romantic relationships were also jeopardised.
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  November 29, 2018
In March 2016, the Home Office, published its 2016-20 Violence against Women and Girls strategy. Following this, the Government stated that they would dedicate £80 million funding, to provide core support to refuges and other accommodation-based services. This money was also intended for rape support centres and national helplines. In the spring budget of 2017, a further £20 million was announced to be included towards the initial figure.
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  November 23, 2018
This week we have been supporting the charity Brake in their road safety awareness week. Brake carry out amazing work and aim to promote road safety generally but with a specific focus in November on road safety week; this years campaign is Think Bike.
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  November 22, 2018
Ramsdens Solicitors are pleased to be supporting Brake Charity throughout Road Safety Awareness Week In 2017 there were a total of 170,993 people injured in road traffic accidents across the UK. Among those were 24,831 serious injuries and 1,793 deaths. These figures demonstrate how vulnerable we are, whenever we are on the road. It is alarming to think that nearly 1,800 people lost their lives when taking to the road last year, which signifies the importance of road safety awareness.
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  November 22, 2018
“Every day in the UK, five people die on roads and about 60 more are seriously injured” There is no escaping the fact that road traffic collisions change lives, not only for the people involved but for the families and support networks that surround them. Brake are a charity that carry out amazing work in promoting road safety awareness including running Road Safety Week every November. However, the reality is that road collisions do happen and we need to be prepared to deal with the aftermath.
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  November 21, 2018
This week, Ramsdens are proud to be supporting Brake Charity throughout their Road Safety Week. Despite The Road Traffic Act 1988 dealing with the requirement to take protective measures in the form of wearing seatbelts and helmets, and of course it being common sense to do so, it is surprising to find that accidents still occur where people have not taken such precautions. One of the main safety issues in relation to road traffic accidents is failure to wear a seatbelt.
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