An Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) was the precursor to a Lasting Power of Attorney ('LPA'). LPAs were introduced in 2007 as it was felt safeguards were required to stop financial abuse of those who required an attorney (‘Donors’).
The recent case of Biria v Biria addressed the main issues that can be raised when disputing a will. Namely mental capacity, undue influence and “fraudulent calumny”.
Year on year the number of disputed estates that end up in the court room has increased massively and this fast moving area of law does not appear to be slowing at any point soon.
Securing the right legal representation is a critical decision that can significantly influence the outcome of a personal injury claim; the expertise and approach of your personal injury lawyer can be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful claim.
The Supreme Court, in its recent judgment in the conjoined cases of Paul, Polmear and Purchase and another v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust [2024] have now clarified this position.
Following the making of Final Care and Placement Orders, parents or others with parental responsibility can apply for leave to oppose the application for an Adoption Order.
The Transparency Pilot Scheme commenced on 30 January 2023, since when accredited media representatives and legal bloggers have been able to attend hearings in the Family Court