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  November 9, 2018
November 11, 2018, marks 100 years since the singing of the Armistice between the Allies and Germany, bringing an end to World War I and our team at Ramsden Street wanted to show their respect and created a sea of poppies on the front of the building.
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  November 7, 2018
Receiving payment for invoices on or before the agreed payment date is important to any business and its cash flow. Equally as important is ensuring invoices are paid on time. However, in certain instances, invoices are paid late, sometimes repeatedly or as a matter of course, this is often due to cash flow issues or when the monthly payroll date falls. When invoices are paid after the agreed payment date, often businesses overlook this provided payment is not unreasonably delayed.
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  November 5, 2018
A landmark ruling in the case of Darnley V Croydon Health Services NHS Trust has been made in the Supreme Court. The case involved Mr Darnley, who attended at A&E following a head injury. Mr Darnley was advised by the reception staff that the wait would be five hours and as a result decided to return home.
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  November 2, 2018
As a Commercial Tenant taking lease of a business premises, you may be asked upon signing, by your landlord, to 'contract out' of your security of tenure. In this blog our Commercial Property team will discuss the basics of what a security of tenure is and what it means for you.
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  November 1, 2018
Ramsdens Burn & Co, at their York and Easingwold offices, has been recogised by Cancer Research UK after facilitating over £1.79 million worth of gifts from people choosing to leave a legacy to the charity in their will.
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  October 31, 2018
Buying a home can be stressful. But having a list of things to consider can help to reduce the hassle. Read our list of top tips from our Head of Residential Conveyancing, Karen James.
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  October 29, 2018
Is it your view that all Family Solicitors are “hard wired” to operate competitively and aggressively with little attention being paid to what clients actually want and their shared concerns about any children now and in the future? Hopefully that is far from reality but it is often the perception. If you want to ensure you have an amicable and civilized separation but with a fair and appropriate outcome Collaborative Family Law may be the best way for you, your spouse and the whole family.
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  October 26, 2018
The civil liability bill jumped the last hurdle this week and was passed through the House of Commons. The small claims limit will be raised to £5,000 for Road Traffic Accidents with a fixed tariff being introduced for whiplash claims. It will also consider the discount rate used for lump sum settlements to calculate future losses. Amendments will now be now considered and then will proceed for royal assent. It is thought that the new law will come into play for April 2020.
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