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  September 28, 2016
Businesses will welcome updated guidance from the Government to help them comply with disability law when recruiting and employing disabled workers.
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  August 30, 2016
Employers will welcome a ruling that the ACAS Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures, which allows a Tribunal to add an 'uplift' to compensation payable to unfairly dismissed employees, does not apply to dismissals for ill-health - unless there has been 'culpable' conduct or performance by the employee.
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  August 19, 2016
In February we reported on the consultation on the draft regulations for mandatory gender pay gap reporting – See our blog of 12 February 2016 ‘Firms Must Reveal Gender Pay Gap’.
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  October 20, 2015
Since April 2015, it's been a "day one" right for an employee to take up to 52 weeks statutory adoption leave, 39 weeks of which is eligible for statutory adoption pay.
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  May 22, 2015
Temporary receptionist Nicola Thorp was sent home from her first day at work at PwC by Portico, the staffing agency that supplies workers to PwC, in December 2015 for refusing to wear heels.
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  April 29, 2015
The little known Professional Football Compensation Committee (“PFCC”) was in the headlines this week with its decision that Liverpool FC should pay Burnley FC an initial compensation fee of £6.
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  May 25, 2014
On 16th May 2016 the French National Assembly voted to pass a Bill preventing employees from sending emails outside working hours.
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