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Diabetes claims

Living with a condition such as diabetes can often be testing and difficult, but thanks to advances in medicine, the illness is treatable and most people affected can lead a relatively normal life. However, unfortunately, some patients are not treated correctly for the condition. When treatment is not given properly and complications arise, it is known as 'medical negligence’.

In the UK, everyone has a right to quality healthcare - when medical professionals fail in this duty, it can lead to expensive and long-lasting issues. In the case of diabetes negligence, this can be severe. If you find yourself in this position, you may be eligible to claim financial compensation for your suffering and financial losses.

To learn more about making a claim, continue reading the information below, or simply call us today. Our team stands by to assist you, and we can discuss your situation over the phone and inform you as to whether you can make a no win, no fee medical negligence claim for diabetes mistreatment. Call us as soon as possible on 01484 821 500, send us an email to or fill out an online contact form and we will be in touch at a time suitable for you.

How Ramsdens can help with your diabetes compensation claim

In a considerable number of cases, complications to diabetes are often found to have been preventable, and, where this can be proven, there are grounds for the patient to make a claim for compensation. We understand the breadth and depth of the various forms of diabetes negligence that can occur. Our expert medical negligence solicitors have a great deal of experience in dealing with medical negligence claims, and we are best placed to provide legal advice in this area.

Our team of specialists is on hand to help you every step of the way through your claim, and we are happy to provide support at what we know is a difficult time for you and those close to you.

About diabetes claims

Diabetes compensation claims arise when individuals with diabetes receive substandard medical care that fails to meet the established norms, often leading to preventable complications. These claims are not just about financial redress; they serve to acknowledge the impact of negligent care on a patient's life and wellbeing.

Diabetic negligence usually occurs in one of two situations:

  • During the initial diagnosis
  • During the monitoring and treatment of the condition

In the first scenario, the diagnosis of treatment may be delayed. Despite a patient showing the signs of diabetes, the symptoms may be dismissed or misdiagnosed. Early symptoms include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Excessive thirst
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent urination
  • Hunger
  • Irritability
  • Weight loss

In cases where a medical professional causes a delayed diagnosis, the condition is likely to worsen. Advanced cases of diabetes are associated with numerous complications, such as blindness, neuropathy and kidney failure, which pose a significant risk to the patient’s overall health.

If you or a loved one have been subjected to clinical negligence as a result of a delay in your diagnosis, you could be entitled to claim compensation. The damages awarded would help to improve your quality of life and cover the cost of any future treatment needs or loss of earnings.

In the second scenario, such issues can be avoided through appropriate monitoring and pre-emptive treatment. Depending on the type of diabetes you are diagnosed with, guidelines are in place to make sure the condition is properly treated.

Negligent treatment for diabetes

Comprehensive diabetes care includes regular monitoring, appropriate medication, lifestyle advice and emergency care guidelines. The NHS outlines specific care standards that health professionals should adhere to for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Individuals who suffer from type 2 diabetes should receive regular monitoring and testing from their doctor every year. These should include:

  • Blood glucose level
  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • Kidney function (urinary albumin)
  • Kidney function (serum creatinine)
  • Weight measurement
  • Smoking check
  • Eye exam

Unfortunately, a significant number of patients in England do not receive their routine tests each year, which puts their health at risk. If untreated or poorly managed, diabetes can cause a full range of dangerous conditions.

Patients with type 1 diabetes take insulin as part of their treatment in order to ensure their blood sugar levels stay healthy. The only way to get insulin into the body is through an injection, or with a specially-designed pump.

What impacts of diabetic negligence on patients can be claimed for?

Negligence in diabetes care can lead to a range of severe health issues, including cardiovascular disease, kidney damage and vision impairment. In extreme cases, it can result in life-threatening conditions. The physical toll, however, is just one aspect. The emotional and psychological strain that comes with managing inadequate care and the resulting health complications cannot be overstated. Patients often experience heightened stress, anxiety and, in some cases, depression, which can severely impact their overall quality of life.

The economic complications arising from diabetic negligence often include substantial medical expenses, potential loss of earnings due to the inability to work, and the possible need for long-term care or support. Furthermore, the strain of dealing with these complications often spills over into patients' social and family lives, affecting their relationships and interactions, thereby impacting their overall life satisfaction and wellbeing.

When you make a diabetes negligence claim, we want to hear all about how it has affected you. You will be able to claim compensation for all of these impacts if you can provide evidence for them - which we will help you to gather. We appreciate that it can be difficult to discuss these personal issues, but we bring a holistic and compassionate approach to every consultation, understanding that each of our client’s cases is unique.

The legal process for making a diabetes treatment claim

The process of claiming for negligent diabetes treatment involves several key steps. It is important to note that every claim is different depending on the unique circumstances, but they follow a general structure that you can expect:

  1. Initial consultation: contact us for an initial discussion about your situation. Here, we will want to know about how the negligence treatment has affected you and we will likely ask questions to get a picture of what you will be able to claim compensation for. We will also explain the process going forward, how we can help and what may be expected of you.
  2. Gathering evidence: if you decide to proceed with your claim, we will begin to gather the necessary evidence that will support your claim. This will require you to have a medical assessment, which will generate a medical report - an essential piece of evidence for any medical negligence claim. Other evidence may include witness statements, diary logs and financial records.
  3. Filing the claim: your solicitor will help file a formal claim against the healthcare provider or practitioner responsible for the negligence, handling all communications on your behalf.
  4. Negotiating settlement: your solicitor will negotiate with the other party or their insurance company for a fair settlement. In the majority of cases, this is how medical negligence claims are resolved.
  5. Going to court (if necessary): if a settlement cannot be reached, your case may go to court. Your solicitor will represent you throughout the court proceedings, presenting your evidence as an argument for why you deserve compensation and fighting for your rights.
  6. Receiving compensation: following a successful claim, you will receive compensation, which may include damages for pain and suffering, lost income, medical expenses, and any necessary lifestyle adjustments.

Medical negligence claims are generally subject to a three-year time limit, as per the Limitation Act 1980. This time frame may be counted from the date of the medical negligence or from the date when you first connected the harm you suffered with the negligent action. In certain cases, extensions to the three-year limit may be granted - such as if the claim involves a child or someone who lacks mental capacity. To learn more, call us as soon as possible.

How long will my diabetes negligence claim take to resolve?

The duration of medical negligence claims, including those for diabetes negligence, can vary considerably. Simple claims with minor injuries and clear evidence of negligence can be resolved in just a few months, especially if the defendant admits negligence. However, more complex and serious cases typically take an average of two to three years. The length of the claim can be affected by the complexity of the case, the seriousness of the injuries, and the response of the defendant.

During your initial consultation, and throughout your case, we will offer insight into how long you can expect your case to take, and explain the factors that may affect this.

How to start your diabetes claims with Ramsdens

To start your claim, simply call us today for a free, no-obligation chat. If we think you have a chance to claim, we will recommend how to proceed and will begin to help you claim. Our team of specialists has extensive experience in medical negligence and diabetes misdiagnosis claims and will guide you through every step of the process.

Why choose Ramsdens for your diabetes medical negligence claim?

At Ramsdens, we do more than just legal representation. We provide a supportive, understanding environment where your concerns are heard and addressed with utmost professionalism and empathy. With a deep understanding of the UK's healthcare guidelines and standards for diabetes care, our team is equipped to assess and pursue your compensation claim with the diligence it deserves.

Our commitment to excellence in client service is at the core of every case we handle, particularly in sensitive areas like diabetes claims. Our approach reflects our dedication to each client's unique needs and circumstances.

Our clinical negligence team has handled many compensation claims where a GP or nurse's negligent treatment has led to unnecessary suffering. You can read more about these successes on our case studies page.

We approach all of our clinical negligence claims, including diabetes claims, on a no win, no fee basis, meaning you are at minimal financial risk when you decide to claim with Ramsdens.

FAQs about diabetes claims and medical negligence

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition that results in a person's blood sugar level becoming too high. There are two main types of diabetes:

  • Type 1 diabetes: a lifelong condition where the body's immune system attacks and destroys the cells that produce insulin.
  • Type 2 diabetes: occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin, or the body's cells do not react to insulin properly. Type 2 diabetes is more common than Type 1, accounting for over 90% of all adults with diabetes in the UK.

Additionally, gestational diabetes is high blood sugar that develops during pregnancy and usually resolves after giving birth.

What is prediabetes?

Prediabetes, also known as non-diabetic hyperglycaemia, is a condition where blood sugar levels are above the normal range but not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. People with prediabetes are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but this risk can be reduced through lifestyle changes.

How do I know if I have a valid diabetes negligence claim?

A valid claim involves proving that a healthcare professional owed you a duty of care, breached that duty, and as a result, you suffered avoidable harm. You will need evidence of your suffering and of their negligence to do this.

What evidence is required for a diabetes negligence claim?

Evidence can include medical records, witness statements, a personal diary of your symptoms and treatments, and expert medical opinions. If you are claiming financial losses, proof of these will be necessary.

What are special damages in diabetes negligence cases?

Special damages cover financial losses incurred due to negligence, such as medical expenses, lost income, travel costs, costs for home adaptations, and in-home care and support.

Is there a cost to start a diabetes negligence claim with Ramsdens?

Ramsdens offers a free, no-obligation initial consultation to discuss your case. We can provide information on the costs involved and the options for funding your claim during this consultation. With our no win, no fee approach, you will not be expected to pay your legal fees to us if we are unsuccessful in claiming the compensation you need, and you can be confident that we will not spring any unexpected costs on you.

Can I make a diabetes negligence claim against the NHS?

It is possible to make a claim against the NHS for medical negligence, including diabetes negligence. The NHS has a duty of care to all its patients. If a patient suffers an injury or illness due to negligence in care or treatment, they may be eligible to make a claim for compensation.

Contact us

To speak to our specialist medical negligence solicitors for a free, no-obligation chat, call 01484 821 500, email us at or fill out an online enquiry form and we will get back to you.