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Trusts, including Personal Injury Trusts

After what can often be a lengthy process, the settlement of litigation proceedings can bring with it a huge sense of relief…. But what now?

Ramsdens specialist team is here to guide you through the next steps following receipt of your award.

If you have been awarded compensation as a result of a personal injury, your entitlement to certain means-tested benefits, both now and in the future, such as Income Support, Employment Support Allowance, Jobseekers Allowance and Housing Benefit may be affected.

By placing your compensation money in a Personal Injury Trust you can help protect your future by ensuring that your compensation is used to assist you in adapting to your new circumstances and allow you to continue to receive State benefits or care funding entitlements. As the money is ‘ring fenced’ and so separate from other assets, even if you are not in receipt of benefits now, if your circumstances change in the future and you become entitled to such benefits and care services, the monies will still be disregarded for assessment purposes.

Our experienced and friendly team are here to provide you with expert advice and assistance through what may be a very stressful and uncertain time by working with you to ensure that your assets are properly protected and managed.


For more information call our Court of Protection team to discuss your options on 0344 326 0049 or email to book a free information session at any of our offices.