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Our Child Law team are supporting National Adoption Week, which takes place from 17th-23rd October. This year’s focus is on the importance of identity and relationships for adopted people. It is important for adopted people to feel connected to their past and understand their family history, when safe to do so. Life story books and later life letters may be provided to give an adopted person a better understanding of their early life. Unfortunately, not all adopted people have access to this information. The campaign recognises the difficulties associated with this and how it may cause individuals to question their identity. By opening up a conversation around this, it is hoped that adopted children will have better access to information in the future. It is also important that parents who adopt understand how vital it is to share information with their child throughout childhood and beyond; in most cases assisting the child’s emotional welfare.

Throughout the week, there are a variety of online sessions being held by PAC-UK to share the stories of both adopted people and birth families. PAC-UK is the country’s largest independent Adoption Support Agency and provide support to adopters, and those considering adoption. You can get involved by joining these sessions and using the #YouCanAdopt hashtag on social media to raise awareness of adoption. The hashtag aims to provide accurate information surrounding those who are eligible to adopt. According to, the latest data shows that there are enough prospective adopters for the majority of children waiting to be adopted. This is a perfect time to raise awareness and provide children with the chance to find the right home.

Our team have prepared the below myth buster:

“I have to be married”

You do not have to be married! You can be single, in a civil partnership, married or cohabiting.

“My sexual orientation will affect my chances”

Not true! All enquiries are treated the same. The focus is on the ability to provide stable and a loving home.

“I need to own my own home”

Incorrect! You can still adopt if you rent your home. You just need to be able to provide stable living arrangements and have the necessary space.

If you would like or any further information, please call our Child Law Helpline on 01924 431 774, or email, to book a free information session at any of our offices.