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Reporting an accident at work in your employer’s accident report book can play a vital role in a personal injury claim. Regardless of how minor the accident and injuries may seem, it is important that all accidents are reported to your employer as it not only enables your work place to mitigate the risks of future accidents, but it also forms the basis for a personal injury claim.

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) requires employers, and other people in control of work premises, to report and keep records of work place accidents. Accidents occurring in the work place should be reported to a managerial member of staff or a member of HR, and reported in your employer’s accident book. This report will record details of the accident as well as your injuries and personal details.  

Accident report books contain a record of workplace accidents that could point to unsafe working conditions and can therefore can act as evidence of the nature of the accident and the injuries suffered. Reporting your accident at work to your employer ensures an accurate record of when and how your accident occurred, including the circumstances it arose in. 

It is important that you witness and counter sign your workplace accident form once completed, especially in the event that there is a dispute over the circumstances of your accident. Reporting the details of an incident as soon as possible ensures that it is an accurate recall and is not blurred by time or loss of memory. Your accident form may be used as evidence in court to determine whether the company is at fault, and liable for the injuries you have suffered.

Other evidence that can assist your claim includes CCTV footage, photographs of the site and statements from other employees who witnessed the accident.

If you or somebody you know has suffered an injury at work, call us on 01484 821 500 or email us at