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Family breakdowns can be distressing for all parties involved; matters often arise which cannot be easily resolved and therefore cause arguments between family members. In some instances, it can be useful to get a family mediator involved as someone who can speak to each party, break down the issues at hand and ensure they are manageable in terms of dealing with and reaching an agreeable solution. If issues are left to escalate further, they can breed anger and resentment which then allows the matter to reach crisis point with the potential to explode in a harmful manner.

Having a discussion with a qualified 3rd party mediator can help parties to understand the issues at hand and whether they can be approached and discussed on collective terms in order to reach the best possible outcome for all individuals. Mediation is an extremely valuable service as it can remove the animosity from situations of family dispute and help to avoid potentially protracted court proceedings.

It could be argued that the recent breakdown within the British Royal Family could have benefitted from the skills of a trained mediator. Although the Royal Family’s situation may be said to be more complex than a typical mediation case, with them living in the constant public eye, this situation shows that family disputes can occur across all walks of life. It does make you wonder whether, had they used the services of a mediator in the early stages of the breakdown, the Royal Family would have evaded the crisis point they currently find themselves in – mediation can avoid a lot of stress and heartache for those involved and its value shouldn’t be underestimated.

Contact us

Ramsdens Solicitors Family team have helped hundreds of families to find amicable solutions to their issues without the need for court proceedings.

To see how Ramsdens can help you, call our Family team on 08000 147720 or send us an email to book a free 30 minute consultation at any of our offices. We also offer early morning and late evening appointments across our offices.