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Thomas Jagger



01422 254 623


Thomas is an Associate Solicitor who works in our Private Wealth and Succession department.

Joining Ramsdens in 2016, Thomas completed his Solicitor’s training with us before being admitted as a Solicitor in 2020.

Thomas regularly advises beneficiaries in relation to high value and technical applications to the District Probate Registry. He has gained expertise in dealing with matters where the beneficiaries may not be close family members and there is a requirement for genealogical research. Thomas also specialises in estates where there are high numbers of beneficiaries, sometimes in excess of 50 in total.


Thomas specialises in:

  • Estate Administrations
  • Complicated Estate Administrations, with a focus on Intestate Estates, where no Will has been left by the Deceased
  • Intestate Estates
  • Complicated probate applications


What are your career highlights so far?

  • Acting for an estranged Daughter in dealing with her Father’s estate, resulting in her receiving a significant sum.
  • Working with Genealogists to locate and then assist family members in Hungary who were entitled to an estate of an relative who passed away in the UK. The family members had lost touch previously but remembered the lady from when they were children.


Awards Thomas has received include:

  • “Highly Commended” in the category of “Young Wills & Probate Professional” at the Probate Industry Awards 2024


What is one legal myth that you’d love to dispel?

"That working in Law is anything like it is portrayed to be in the movies. It’s great, but for different reasons and isn’t quite as entertaining!"


What made you want to work in your sector?

"This is very cliché, but I have always liked solving problems. I also had a close family friend who worked in law and his passion for the profession really intrigued me!"


Visit our Private Wealth and Succession section for more information on our services, or alternatively, call our team on 01484 821 500.

Talking with you was a breath of fresh air, always professional but very approachable and you always explained everything is a way which was understandable. I shall miss our chats but wish you well for the future."

Mrs T - Client

I cannot speak highly enough of Thomas`s professionalism and would absolutely recommend Ramsdens and particularly Thomas to anyone that may need the services of a Solicitor."

Mrs C - Client

Thank you for walking me through this process step by step. It seemed, at the onset, that this might be an insurmountable task considering the distance and time since Bob’s passing. But, it wasn't. Thank you for your help and transparency throughout."

Mrs O – Client

We found the whole experience very easy to follow and your guidance was very good. A particular thank you to Ramsdens solicitors and Thomas Jagger for his assistance during the process."

Mrs H - Client

Thank you for all the work you have carried out on this matter and for your clear and consistent communication throughout the estate administration. It has been a pleasure to work with you."

Legacy Officer - Charity