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Charlotte Eastwood



01924 431 799


Charlotte is a Paralegal in our Family Department, working at our Ramsden Street office in Huddersfield.

Charlotte is currently undergoing her CILEx Qualification, with a view to qualify in 2025. Having joined Ramsdens in 2018 as a Legal Assistant,, Charlotte has worked her way up to now being an integral part of our Domestic Abuse team.

Specialising in Domestic Abuse and Private Wealth & Succession children work, Charlotte often works with clients who need to obtain emergency protection from the Court for themselves and their children.

Charlotte works closely with local domestic abuse charities to provide support and help. She is committed to providing compassionate assistance, guiding clients through every step of the legal process with empathy and understanding. Her attention to detail and practical approach ensure that clients receive the guidance and support they need during difficult times, to ensure the best possible outcomes for our client’s and their families.


Charlotte specialises in:

  • Domestic Abuse
  • Private Wealth & Succession children cases


What is one legal myth that you’d love to dispel?

"That only women are victims or domestic abuse, or that father’s come out worse in Children Act Proceedings." 


What made you want to work in your sector?

"I have always been an understanding person, and I liked the idea of helping people through one of their worst times in their lives."


Visit our Family and Divorce section, for more information on our services, or alternatively, call our team on 08000 147 720.


Charlotte was very good and professional, she dealt with my case extremely well and made me feel at ease. She understood me and took time out to listen to me. Thank you to Charlotte for everything."

A Yakoob