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An independent review has been commissioned following the arrests of nine men over the sexual exploitation of girls in the Bradford district since 2001. Whilst the review acknowledged that considerable work had been undertaken in relation to tackling child sexual exploitation (CSE), it also confirmed how the response to some victims remained insufficient, as many remain unprotected from their unchallenged perpetrators. The Bradford Partnership has accepted that more needs to be done to deal with issues of CSE in the area.

The review has uncovered circumstances in which victims informed both social services and the police on multiple occasions about the sexual abuse and grooming they were subjected to. It also detailed how a victim was placed in a foster placement with the parents of a man who had been abusing her. Whilst residing in this placement, the victim became pregnant aged 15 and went on to marry the abuser in an Islamic wedding, later becoming a victim of what would now be considered to be domestic slavery.

Nazir Afzal, former chief crown prosecutor in the Rochdale grooming gang cases, described the findings as ‘deeply depressing’ and referred to the professionals involved as having an inability to recognise and respond to abuse.

During the 6 week trial in 2019, it was heard that some perpetrators were forceful, threatening and violent, whilst others would use alcohol, drugs and manipulation.

If you have been affected by this article and would like a confidential discussion with one of our experienced Abuse Claims lawyers headed by Natalie Marrison, contact us on 01484 821 500, or complete our online contact form and we will be in touch.