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The Chartered Institute for Personnel Development (CIPD), together with members of the government's Flexible Working Taskforce, has published free advice to help employers decide whether hybrid working – where staff work partly at home and partly at a workplace - would suit their business and employees, and how to introduce it fairly.

The guidance ‘Hybrid Working: Practical Guidance’ helps employers

  • effectively identify the type of hybrid working that suits their circumstances (given their workers’ goals and views);
  • recruit, manage and support hybrid workers in a fair, inclusive and non-discriminatory way;
  • train relevant staff; and
  • adopt appropriate processes.

It also recommends employers introduce a hybrid working policy, which includes a procedure for dealing with workers’ requests to work on a hybrid basis.

The guidance emphasises that hybrid working practices are still evolving. Employers need to continually review and adapt their processes and systems in response, consulting with the workforce on proposed changes to systems, processes or activities.

It also contains case studies and links to related guidance and further reading.

Generally, the guidance supplements the recent Acas guidance ‘Hybrid working: Advice for employers on how to consider, discuss and introduce hybrid working’.

Employers can download the CIPD advice from the CIPD website, and view the Acas hybrid working advice on the Acas website.


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